UA-60701407-50 Operation Fire Pit - Golden Daily Scoop

September 12, 2013

Operation Fire Pit

For those of you who don't know, our Dad is a pretty handy guy.

He can fix or build just about anything and I am always right there by his side...

Dad calls me his right-hand pup. I must admit, it's not an easy job.

He swears talks a lot and I really have no idea what he's saying.

He asks me lots of rhetorical questions, I just nod and give him a lick.

We make a great pair, we really do!!

Our most recent project was "operation fire pit". You may have caught a glimpse of it in my watermelon post.

Dad says if you don't have a 14 yr old, you should really get one, that way they can do all the hard labor.

I say you should get one because they are great for sneaking you snackies!!!

First we dug out all the grass and I had to make sure to sniff out EVERY piece of dirt...

Here I am taking a break, we take lots of breaks - Dad says it's a Union thing...

And here is the finished project...

Dad says he can't wait to roast some puppies....

Ummm, excuse me????


  1. We were wondering what it was. We knew it wouldn't be a well. Mystery solved. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. That is a lovely fire pit. I hope Dad wasn't serious about what he's roasting!!

  3. Wow! Great job on that firepit, Miley. We know your Dad could not have done it without your pawsome help! Thanks for following us. We're following you back. :)

  4. OMD OMD THAT is gonna be a super (and SAFE) place fur having Roasted MARSHMALLOWS and STICK STEAKS !!! OMD Roasted STICK STEAKS are the BESTES... Almost as good as plain old tube steaks.

    BRAVO to your DAD he did an A+ job!

  5. That looks awesome! Looks like you worked hard. Question for you...ROASTED PUPPIES?!? Oh dear...the only thing that is good a pig roasting party! I actually wrote a post about it if you are interested. I actually got to have some tasty pig ears and pork skin. Yum.

  6. Beautiful job - I'm sure you'll have a lot of wonderful Fall evenings around the fire pit!



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