UA-60701407-50 In and Around the Pool - Golden Daily Scoop

August 8, 2014

In and Around the Pool

Not all dogs like to swim but for those who do, there are many benefits. Here a just a few:
  • 15 minutes of swimming is equivalent to a 2 mile walk.
  • It involves all major muscle groups which in turn increases strength and support for joints.
  • It burns a great amount of energy, leaving your dog relaxed for the rest of the day.
  • Is great for weight management and it's just plain fun!
As much fun as we have IN the pool, we have just as much fun AROUND the pool. 

Maggie and Bruin like to play a silly little game where they grab their favorite pool toys and follow each other around pool...

Maggie is known as the "pool toy hoarder", she will stuff as many toys as she can in her lab mouth...

While Bruin is perfectly happy with just one...

Finally, mom and dad (while trying to keep all their digits) will take the toys and throw them back in the pool...

And their silly little game starts all over again...

Miley on the other hand is a "one lap'r". 

She will do her one lap around the pool, sometimes with a little added "weight" and she is done...

Whether in or around the pool, they are definitely burning some great energy which in turn leads to some serious nap time.

Especially for Maggie...

We are joining the FitDog Friday blog hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and co-hosts To Dog with Love and GBGV Life.


  1. Love the jumping into the pool shots. That looks like great fun as well as great exercise - the perfect combination. Thanks for joining the Hop.

  2. Maggie definitely looks worn out in that last picture! What a fun way for everyone to play!

  3. What fun and great photos! Looks like you have a couple of dock diving dogs there!
    Diane and Rocco

  4. Swimming is such a great workout for people and pups! Mom would love to swim laps with us, but we don't do laps. We enjoy swimming when we find a place to do it. Keep up the wet work! Thanks for joining the FitDog Friday blog hop!

  5. BOL - we filled in our pool. Too many soggy dogs and the pump couldn't keep up with the floating fuzz.

    Monty and Harlow

  6. We LOVE to swim!! It makes me (Otto) tired, and it's good for my (Bart) old creaky joints and spine!

    Bart, Ruby ( who loves to just stand in the water) and Otto

  7. We so would love to join you. Lucky you. Grrrr we want to come and play. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. We live within walking distance of the beach, but none of our collies like to swim! Maybe if they had an awesome pool full of toys they would change their minds? You sure look like you have fun!

  9. Swimming is so great for dogs! Plus as you can see it really tuckers them out.

  10. Brown dawgs love to swim, although they don't have their own pool. Your dogs are lucky!

  11. Looks like they're having a blast!!! Great shots too, Mom!

  12. They look so happy and in their element! I think we would have to find a heated pool for Mr. N to swim.

  13. We did our 6 mile run today and what we wouldn't give to have a pool like that!!!

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

  14. Those are some great jumping shots!

  15. While I knew swimming was better exercise for Phod, I didn't realize how much more exercise he got. I see more swimming in his future! I wish Hailey would swim (she could use the exercise) but am thrilled she is wading in a little more and chasing the "waves". Love your jump shots!

  16. OMD! What a great summer you guys must have! Nows, I'm not a fan of gettin' my furs wet, butts Holy Divin' Board! You guys make it look like tons of fun!! I'll be right overs, and you can show me how this whole pool divin' works
    Ruby ♥
    pees: I'll bring the margaritas!! You can't have a pool pawty without margaritas!! ☺

  17. Looks like you guys are having a great summer. I would love a nice pool like that one day. I'm pretty convinced swimming is the best form of exercise now, period.

  18. That looks like so much fun!! The crew here is lobbying for a pool, but we're not getting very far with Dad. :(
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. How lucky to have such a wonderful pool! I can tell your pups love it. Oh and Kirby said he's on his way over with some barkaritas!



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